It keeps happening.

Not only do I fight passing out at work, I then end up unable to sleep at night. It’s lovely. At least I’m not hallucinating yet. Or at least I’m not starting fight clubs…

I remember the first time I looked in your eyes. I’m always a sucker for that color…always so calming and peaceful, never piercing or intense. S I feel like I’m losing my balance, not like before, but really losing my foothold. I’ve never been one to be able to keep myself grounded, I’ve always needed help. Perhaps that’s my big weakness and downfall, the notion that I NEED anyone at all. As so beautifully put, I only needed someone to be there for me, the same way I am for them. I’m afraid of becoming empty again, and losing compassion for the world I keep wanting to save. You save me, you protect me, you keep me safe, and you fill my heart the way I need. I’ve missed this…

I can’t blame myself for everyone falling, and I can’t keep everyone from crashing to rock bottom and failing. Lessons are meant to be learned, but if I could take away the pain I would.

This is what dreams are made of.

To never love would be a mistake. Loving unconditionally certainly appears to be incredibly painful and dangerous. It’s the danger I never run from, I’ll risk it all for each beautiful day with you.

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