So something happened recently, and the world just got a little bit stranger.
A man attacked another man, naked, and chewed off his face.
And what followed was a slew of misinformation and poor sensational journalism about the attacker “being on drugs”.
Well, he wasn’t.
Now that the world has been loudly poised to attack the dangers of this “new designer drug”, there’s no drug to blame. In fact, the dude had some marijuana in his system, which obviously isn’t to blame since this is unprecedented action for someone simply using pot. But that aside, we now have to face what I mentioned after this story first broke, that this was simply a MAN.
Actions like these certainly aren’t implausible, and our history is littered with colorful murderers and serial killers…but this was an isolated and seemingly unpremeditated attack.
A man attacked another man in the streets, and chewed off his face, and he was not on bath salts, and not on designer street drugs. A simple human being is responsible for this vicious event.