Such a strange dream the other night. I was in a house with people i knew, at least knew them second-hand, but no one that i know in real life.
I was confused, and had been the whole dream, and then i remember looking at my arm. My “iniquity” tattoo was wrong, and i got really uncomfortable. The tattoo was there, but the colors were wrong, and the design was vastly different. I was trying to explain this to the person i was showing, and they thought i was crazy. I was getting frantic, and i really felt like i was in the wrong body, or that something was fundamentally wrong. I even checked my phone for pictures of how i remembered it, but even those were wrong too. I was getting frantic, and felt i slipped further in the dream and started losing track and couldn’t remember all the events later.
There is not a stranger feeling than realizing you’re not the right person in a dream, or even that you’re just slightly “off”. I swear it felt like a slipped dimensions and was just barely different, but that i remembered where i was from.
Dream 7/30
Tattoos were wrong, iniquity was on my arm in a different design and i knew it, and all photos were wrong