torchys fun and testosterone laden fuckfaces

i finally got to hang out with my work friends last night without the interference of two people that disgust me. i miss seeing jeff and jen especially. they’re good people. i dont get to hang out with michael much either because of all that shit so it was good to meet up outside of work for once. i’m sure it won’t happen again soon though. a few things came up i guess, and some of it still strikes me as so ridiculous…but still, only human. i shouldn’t expect any different from people like that. if someone can betray their friends so easily, are they still a friend? were they ever? Judas betrayed his friend. anyway, a big fight broke out at the bar, probably over some bitch i’m sure…it always seems to be. testosterone and pussy are such a volatile concoction…it mixes and causes all sorts of problems. half the bar was holding people back or something, i dunno…a lady had her dog inside too, a very sweet pit bull. i thought she should have just let it go attack everyone. so, at least i got to catch up with people i hadn’t seen in a while. i better not let the word get out that i’m having FUN though, people might get suspicious or want to ruin it.

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