a good laugh…but yeah, stings a bit. from 6/17 …from the She-Hag

First off, I am not very happy with your behavior at Danya’s the other week end. I cannot talk to you as just friends. I have told you this before, too. It is obvious to me, and it has been. Me and you cannot have normal everday conversation, because you try to redirect it every time, reguardless whether or not I ask you not to. I do not like all the drama you conjure up everytime we speak. I understand you are hurt, but it has been 5 months, and I would figure you could maintain some kind of composure. Reguardless your fellings about Mark and I, we are together, and I would appreciate it if you would respect that fact, and the fact that I’ve asked you not to try and persuade me to come back to you. I don’t demean you or your girlfriend, and I would expect the same respect on your part. I don’t appreciate you reffering to Mark as my ‘little boyfriend’ in your snotty voice, I’m not some young kid, and that’s how you talk to me. Your 25 years old, it’s awful how something can smack you back down to high school level behavior. I don’t want to be hurtfull to you, Daniel, but subtleness just doesn’t cut through that thick head of yours. I am in love, and I think if you would let go of me totally, you would open yourself up to find the same. I catch your subtle questions, asking me when I’m going to move and what not. If you need to know, I think I have found the person I am ment to be with. And yes he has asked me to move there with him. And I have decided I would love to, Denver is the most beautiful city I’ve seen. The mountains are just gorgeous, there’s plenty of business and career opportunities, sports events, clubs, resteraunts, you name it. I’ve already told you his grandmother will be giving him her house soon, which she brought up again this week end went we went to visit. If you need to know how I feel, for closure, as you always put it, then I’ll tell you. I am absolutely, totally in love with Mark. And yes we talk about marriage, and kids, and future plans quite a bit. And I feel totally comfortable with it, like it’s meant to be. Which is what I tried to tell you, when your with the right person, you know. When we broke up, I was sad for you, because I knew it wasn’t the direction you wanted to go, but I wasn’t for me. I’ve told you this and it’s true: I wasn’t upset leaving you, it felt like the right direction for me. I don’t have reoccuring memories of us, because I am not interested in looking or taking a step backwards. And I just feel, that if I didn’t have any upset feelings on the subject, and could forget so easily, then thats just plain obvious we were not meant to be together. And so, like I’ve said before, I do not want to talk about getting back together, because that is not aven a fraction of a thought that crosses my mind. It actually aggrivates me to have you say anything on the subject, because I know who I love and there is no comparrison at all. Mark is everything I want and love and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. And to top it off, it can only get better. On the subject of splitting the bank account. Whether or not you feel I am holding onto you with that, it’s not true at all. I don’t think you know how uncomfortable you make me feel. Especially the other night at Danya’s. I didn’t know what the hell you were doing there on the ground that night. You were making me so nervous. Reguardless of how your nature is normally, people can switch so quick when they are upset. You freak me out so bad sometimes. And crazy enough as it sounds, it was dark and I couldn’t see, and all i kept thinking was, what the hell does he have in his hands. I just wanted to get out of there so bad, I remember. If it’s not your intentions to come off as obsessive and psycotic, then I think you should pay a little thought to your behavior and how it might come off to other people in the future. I will be all the more happy to take my name off your bank account. I cannot go on tuesday, because I have a doctors appointment, and am taking a late lunch to leave early. You normally work late on either Thursday or Friday right? We can do it then at lunch. And on a note about the ring, have you looked to see what your insurance covers. I think you should call the jewelry store and let them know youve looked for the ring all week, and it was either lost or stolen. And they should replace it, if it is covered on insurance. All large chain commercial stores do. Tell them it happened the week end before Monday and obviously that is why you did not bring it in. Tell them you need it replaced, don’t act all quiet and passive like you normally do. People run all over you when you act that way. That is one thing I always noticed about you when we would go out, is how you react w/ public. You know me I jump right in peoples faces and stare them down. That’s how you get what you want. Try it sometime. You always got annoyed with me when I would butt in, but it aggrivates me to see people get run over. anyway off the subject now. Talk to the jewelry store, and see what bullshit they can conjure up for you. My advice would be to read the insurance coverage and agreement first. You should have done that before you signed anything in the first place. And to be assertive, it would be a good change for you. I can tell you’ve experimented trying to be with me ( I am the queen of assertiveness, so you’ll never win there, sorry, but good for you for trying!) Also, trying to mix assertiveness with asshole-y-ness is not a good combo, unless your TRYING to piss people off, in that case you’de be better off being un-confident and passive- it’ll get you the same place. In reguards to your email, my finaces are none of your business. But since you press the issue, you should know I spend absolutely nothing when I go to see Mark, and for the most part when he comes to see me, too. You know he has money, so why do you ask such a stupid question? He doesnt let me pay for anything. He even bought my ticket coming back on the latest late flight w/ united to make sure I’d get back, so I could stay and watch his baseball game and then go to a wedding with him and his family in the mountains. You’ve worked so hard to change, why don’t you try not to be such an ass hole to boot. Like I said Daniel no comparison.

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