
I thought it was over. I wrecked my car hitting a dog and should probably be dead right now. Night.


Happy fucking flitz Friday.

And thank you all for the concerns last night. There’s a dog collar wrapped around part of my front bumper, it’s smashed to shit, and hitting my brakes caused me to spin, I kept it straight (turn INTO the slide) but the back end hit the concrete median. Back of my car is FUCKED. Seriously, the gods smiled on me and my friend. I’m fine, I feel like shit about the dog.


On the flip side, I have full coverage on my car. It’s very possible based on value that it will be totaled and I can get a new one.

And there’s what I’m waiting for. Drove around town a bit, testing it out from last night, and car is leaking coolant. Probably radiator damage, so can’t drive it. Add it to the bill, probably closer to being totaled out now.

and an avulsion fracture, right middle finger.

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