i feel…

sick right now. heartburn just woke me up. and now it’s raining…and i want to be outside playing in it…but it’s probably really cold. and playing in the rain alone…just isn’t much fun.
i feel a masterpiece of words coming very soon. it has been far too long since i’ve sat down and bled myself into words. but who knows…maybe it won’t make the public eye…
maybe it’s time i start keeping secrets.


It’s summer, which is always an acceptable time to play in the rain! Summer rain is the most refreshing…I say you should have done it. I, on the other hand, was still sleeping. I could hear the rain though.
Reply4 years ago

~Princess of Pain~
You missed out. i played in the rain. it was refreshing. I’ve been up most the night so i got bored and decided to have a gay ol’ time splashing in puddles. or maybe i’m just losin my mind, either way it was nice.
Reply4 years ago

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