voyeuristic travels

so i dreamt and had a full night of travels last night, such a wonderful time for once. i’ve never felt so much fucking anger and bitterness in my life….well, perhaps once when i first heard of the true news. somehow crystal had contacted my mom and wanted to hang out with her, so they did, then i was supposed to hang with my mom when she got back, but she came home and was going to leave and screw my plans to go back out and hang with her more, but she ended up staying home and me and someone else went to track her down. we found crystal in some bar “downtown” and i saw her through my sunglasses…her sad pathetic face….and she recognized me. she eventually came out and tried to talk to me, and the anger swelled and swelled. every word that came out of her mouth seemed like lies and tragedy, and only incensed me more and more, to the point of wanting to fucking shake her and bring her back to reality. time passed as it does and nothing really changed, she approached me several times to be closer, and even got to the point of trying to put her hand on me and i lost it..i yelled at her to not fucking touch me, ever, and made her cry….good, i hope you hurt, i hope you feel it, crystal. she tried to tell me about how great things are in her life, how her COck is so great and all, blah blah…and it only made me sick and disgusted. anyway, there was a point where i was on a boat of some kind, all kinds of weird things going on, something like a pirate ship or something, and no, i don’t wish to be a pirate simply because holly is in love with one of them, i tend to have large boats in my dreams quite often. perhpas a remnant of the “Seawulf” left in me. well, the events are hazy, but all i remember is something beneficial for us happened and we secured something or won something, i dunno. so, i ended up on land i believe, and i was walking with crystal alone and she was walking toward her dad…i walked up to say “look, i’m only allowing you to stand there because of her” and he said some stupid bullshit, basically telling me off or something, and it would appear that we had a Spiderman friend as part of our crew. we captured her dad and he had him wrapped around the wrists. it became a public display of punishment for him, we had him standing on a platform with cords around each of his wrists individually, and it finally hit me that they were going to rip his hands from his arms. crystal was sitting with i guess her boyfriend, and a few other people were there that i don’t really remember. i ran to her and tried to tell her to cover her eyes and not to watch, do not watch, for the love of god, you don’tneed to see this…i told them all the same thing. she rose and came to me right before it happened, i grabbed her in my arms and covered her face and ears. he screamed loudly as the weights dropped and severed his hands, the blood sprayed and he eventually calmed…she ran to him to care for him and he must have went into shock…i just remember the looks i got from both of them, such a look of sheer pain and anguish, somehow not physical though, more like “what the fuck have i done to you, daniel, please don’t do this…” ah, who knows. it was just a dream, right? back to reality.

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