“except you”

Dreaming of your ex is not always what it seems.

All the details are growing hazy, but the conversation has a few fresh words still in my mind. The most echoing phrase being me indicating anger and hatred, and her saying “no, i love you.”. That prompted a faux walkout, with me asking for five minutes to hear wtf that was about. The following is now getting fuzzy, but her saying there were “mother issues” (seemingly indicating i blamed things on her mother) and then “not mine, but yours. She only wants you to be happy. Everyone wants you to be happy.”

And in unison as i said it, so did she, “except for me (you)”. “you’re the one that doesn’t want to be happy, Daniel, and the one afraid to make that next step with anyone.”

“i don’t hate you, why would i? you never broke my heart, i’m the one who broke yours.”

And now the rest is fleeting and I’m forgetting details. I remember feeling sick before this convo ever started, somehow leaving her with this human urge to help me, and sensing the fake compassion i began refusing the help. Somewhere in that repulsion the conversation above had started. I woke up shortly after.

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