This is unlife.

So many words unspoken. I don’t really know what normal feels like anymore. Every day just feels like a struggle to make my brain feel “ok” instead of what all the chemicals make it feel like. I’m not even robotic, I’m something that I don’t know how to name. This doesn’t feel real anymore, and I just want a hard reboot.

It’s like I almost feel worried about feeling anything, especially to feel sad. What if I need to feel sad? What if by resisting to allow these emotions I’m just becoming worse and losing myself further? Feeling sad makes me feel more sadness, and I am scared to fall in a spiral like the last time. But what if? What if I actually need to spiral to the bottom to find my answers or to find a semblance of peace?

And then there’s my past. The one thing haunting me is always with me in fleeting moments hiding just in the background noise. It makes me feel like I’m in the wrong place and time, and that this timeline I’m on is not mine and I’m out of bounds and that’s why nothing feels “right”anymore. I broke my path and veered off course and everything since is a resonation of those mistakes. What if I was supposed to be someone else, somewhere else, if all my experiences aren’t building but simply…rolling off in excess, because it’s not meant for me?

What if, what if getting back that missing piece of my soul is what brings me to that place that can make me calm and still, and can make me settled again, and can fix my path?

Is she even the same person I knew, or will it even feel the same? Is she the answer, or is she a fabrication I’ve held to believe as why my life will never feel fulfilled?

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