i know it’s true….

i can be a cockface sometimes. i don’t always watch what i say, i inadvertantly hurt the feelings of others by my rude tongue. and then on rare occasions, i even say or do things that are not exactly based on my true intentions. i see things all too clearly, and i’m a sucker for pure, positive energy. i base my actions on the belief that a “feeling” is enough to spark an interest, and if i don’t pursue something happening then i may miss a chance to learn something. i mentioned tempting fate simply because i had another one of those instances, i felt something strange from someone, something strange enough to keep it surfaced on my mind and wondering if it will happen again. i fall easily, and i’m a glutton for punishment. so of course then comes the question of validity of non-coincidental happenings…do we sometimes create our synchronicities, or should we perhaps chase them? or will fate deal our hand accordingly, and let things happen the way they are meant…. i don’t believe in predestiny, i believe we encourage our own path, and at certain points we will have opportunity to create our own destiny.

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