here’s a post from someone i know, i think it is fitting. — There are continuing peace protests in the United States, when current polls show about 70% of the population is currently in favor of the military action in Iraq (yes, plenty of folks have finally come to their senses now that we’re fighting). However, if you are one of these peacemongers, you need to back off. You are welcome to your incorrect opinion and misguided beliefs, but you need to protest WITHOUT disrupting the country. We are on an “orange” terror alert. Since you probably think this is “blood for oil”, it’s doubtful you have a clue what the terror alert system is. Orange means that there is a high probability of a terrorist attack. Every single one of you moronic cocksuckers who blocks a building, blocks a road, or does some other idiotic thing that requires the police and/or fire department to get involved is putting this country at higher risk, because those protectors are not available to keep an eye out for terrorist activity. There is a big difference between belief and action which endangers the lives of your fellow citizens. Have your beliefs, but understand that now the country needs to be united. If not for yourself, then do it for the people killed on September 11th. If assholes like you had been out blocking the street, nobody would have been saved. May God have mercy on your souls if your stupidity and short-sightedness lets a terrorist attack on this country succeed. Go home and write a letter to your Congressman. Otherwise, get the fuck out of my country and go to France.