i had a dream last night……and it fit me like a glove…..

i had a strange dream, even by my standards….the girl i was with changed into about 3 different people if not more throughout the course of the dream…once it was D, once it was crystal, once it was danya…and possibly it coulda been one more, but i dont remember for sure. the only parts that are clear are i was outside in some weird barn or garage type thing that would normally be outside of someone’s house, not so much a farm barn, more like a workshop type barn or something. this part was with danya from what i remember, and we were getting in her pickup to go somewhere, but i think she had really long hair like she did in high school. the other part i remember was being on the highway and i think this time it was crystal driving, and like i was in the backseat, and i don’t remember who else was with us. as we were getting on the highway, we saw something totally fucked up…like this car that was supposed to belong to a fireman, like a “high ranked” fireman or something, well it came rolling down the street like it was in a bad wreck, it just flipped and flipped and skidded…there were several police roadblocks set up on the highway, and it seems like no one noticed or cared that it was happening, or possibly that they caused it to happen, so we just hauled ass thru these roadblocks and eventually a cop started chasing us, and i remember telling crystal (if thats who it was, but whoever was driving) not to stop, and that we needed to get to town with a lot of people before we stopped or the cops would kill us or something because they weren’t really “cops” i guess. so we get to town, and it was in catoosa, and we pulled over where there were a lot of people and i remember scott happened to be there and he was helping them, and he came and “checked” my license and i remember asking him about the “not pulling over until you feel safe” thing and he said that it was a valid “right” that we couldn’t get in trouble for…they took crystal out of the car and walked her back to the police car to talk to her and i remember she asked the same thing about the “right” not to pull over and i told her it was valid…and then i remember nothing else, i guess i woke up. pretty fucked up…i guess because it was so nonsensical and it involved a handful of people that i’ve dated that kept morphing into other people. maybe it was just the vodka talking.

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