you belittle me you treat me like a child you make it my fault you don’t respect my thoughts you don’t respect my feelings you take for granted i’ll fuck you you make me believe i’ll never do better you apologize for the way i react and never for your actions that made me react you haven’t made me a priority you make me cry you cause me pain you cause me to question my own validity you cause me to question my own value you tell me everything will be fine and nothing ever changes you want someone to stand AT your side and not BY your side you never show emotion you can’t say you love me you never speak of the future you expect me to stay when i really just want to go you don’t compliment me when i’m pretty you don’t hug me when i’m sad you don’t support my emotional outbursts when i need you the most you don’t hold my hand in public you won’t chase me if i leave you won’t let me exist in my own life without your permission you make me believe that this is the way things are you make me believe that men are simply like this you make me believe that i am happy i don’t trust you i don’t think i can do any better i think you’re the best i’ve had i think you fuck me because you love me i believe you when you make everything my fault i believe you when you tell me i’m overreacting i tell myself you don’t compliment me because it’s not in your nature i tell myself you don’t touch me because you don’t understand how to be affection i can’t make you mad because you might hate me i let you make me mad and walk over me because you could leave me i believe you when you tell me you really like me when we aren’t fighting i believe that you must truly care since you can only like me under your specific terms i believe you when you tell me she’s just a friend i tell myself that maybe i am a burden and you’re doing me a favor by staying with me i sit on your couch when i want to go out i follow your rules because i think it makes you happy with me i allow you to not have time for me unless it’s convenient i believe your voice when you tell me all those things you say i’ve made you my world and my idol —- for those who can feel my breath at the end of each word. -d.