The Newcomer

Oct 1994 high school newspaper



-The Newcomer-



            Victoria arrived in town at about 6 AM.  The people were all still asleep.  She drove to a desolate, scroungy motel and checked in.  The owner gave her a funny look, but she knew he would get his.

            She went in her room and sat her belongings on the bed along with a large book.  She read some of the book and fell asleep.

            Later that day, Victoria woke up to find it late in the evening.  Knowing her night would be limited, she started her task at once.  She toiled over her book until her eyes hurt.  Upon finding the required passage, she read aloud.

            That tome from which she read contained words that mortal men dare not speak.  By the time the moon reached its peak, her burden was done.  Inside the circle on the floor was the Newcomer.

            This thing which was the Newcomer cannot be described due to it’s grotesque, hideous form  To comprehend its entirety, one only has to imagine their worst nightmare brought to life.

            Victoria flashed an evil grin at her triumph and unleashed it upon an unknowing world.  Obeyingly, the Newcomer trampled out to find its first victim.  The owner of the motel was its first blood.  The reports are vague, but the police had received a call about an immense Santa Claus coming to kill him.  They laughed about it all night, until the next morning.  The putrid remnants of what used to be a man were scattered around the motel.

            Strange reports of all kinds came pouring in from all across town that night.  Tales of giant bunnies, killer flies, murderous stuffed animals, and other foolish things gave the police station a great laugh.  But after every strange story, people were found mutilated.

            Everyone was relieved when the monster seemed to be gone the next night.  The killings just suddenly stopped, as if nothing ever happened.  That is, until the next year.  Numerous people turned up dead, and the next day, the killing stopped.

            It has been this way on Halloween night for ten years now.  Victoria is constantly smiling now, because she knows she has gotten her vengeance on her home town.  The same town that burned her ancestors as witches.  The same town that burned her at the stake so long ago…

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