Category Archives: music

Watch “Incubus – stellar” on YouTube

Incubus – stellar:


“There’s not a word for what I want to do to you”

Watch “She Wants Revenge “Sugar” Lyrics HQ” on YouTube

She Wants Revenge “Sugar” Lyrics HQ:

Me I’m not.

” I can swallow it down Keep it all inside I define myself By how well I hide Feel it coming apart Well, at least I tried I can win this war By knowing not to fight If I take it all back Someway, somehow If I knew back then What I know right now”

After all, none of us really qualified as humans.

In the end… I became them, & I led them. After all none of us really qualified as humans. We were hardworn, automatic & as hollow as the “O” in “God”. I reattached my emotions, cellular & narcotic. From the top of Hollywood it looked like space, Millions of capsules & mechanical animals. A city […]

We are not…

“We are not lovers, we are not romantics, we’re here to serve you.”

“Marilyn Manson – Putting Holes In Happiness” on YouTube

I should have picked the photograph It lasted longer than you.

Watch “Burn HD – Nine Inch Nails [live on stage 2009]” on YouTube

Burn HD – Nine Inch Nails [live on stage 2009]:

NIN — “Ruiner”


just to explain the element of my self-inflicted pain…